The National Youth in Transition Database

In an effort to improve outcomes for older youth who leave foster care, this project collect information on youth in foster care and those who have exited care.

States are required to collect information from young people at ages 17, 19, and 21 about how they are doing with finances, housing, health, education, and more. If you are contacted to take the NYTD survey...

Participating is a great opportunity to help improve the foster care system

What have we learned from NYTD?

The most recent data snapshot indicates that 21 year olds from foster care:

Completed High School or obtained a GED:


Have health insurance:


Experienced homelessness within the past 2 years:


Report being incarcerated within the past 2 years:


Read Highlights from the NYTD Survey: Outcomes reported by young people at ages 17, 19, and 21 (Cohort 3), Data Brief #8 from the Children's Bureau.

Why should NYTD matter to you?

As current or former foster youth, the NYTD survey matters because if your states do not comply, they will lose Chafee funds which pay for housing, education, and independent living programs. You could be contacted by your state to participate in the NYTD survey. Your answers will be used by your state and the federal government to create better ways to ensure success for young adults aging out of the foster care system.  

If you want to be involved in improving life for foster youth, NYTD presents an opportunity to get involved. Contact your state's Independent Living Coordinator and ask if you can be part of the NYTD team.

More Info About NYTD

Learn about NYTD from the Children's Bureau, an Office of the Administration for Children & Families

Federal Guidance on NYTD 

What is NYTD? Click here to learn more